There must be a balance of both the masculine and feminine energies to find moments of peace and harmony in our lives, to find true healing. These energies reside in all of us regardless of our gender or identity. One of the best visual symbols of this union of opposites is the Chinese Yin Yang .
So what are the characteristics of these energies??
Masculine energy Is about doing, and is logical, analytical, and outward. It's associated with willpower, clarity, focus, strength, and power. Masculine energy can be action-oriented, and is associated with creating structures and rules.
Feminine energy Is about being, and is fluid, creative, intuitive, and empathetic. It's associated with nurturing, receptivity, emotions, softness, and intuition. Feminine energy can help you feel grounded and connected to yourself and others. It can also enhance emotional resonance.
Much of the world and especially in our Western Capitalistic society is largely contributing to the masculine energy dominating the majority (all genders/identities). The push to do, achieve, acquire at any cost to our health. It has caused many to ignore all of our body systems (mental, emotional, physical and Spiritual). This imbalance of energies is one of the major reasons we have so much disharmony, suffering, pain, disease, separation and destruction to our precious planet.
In addition to our high paced Western society many religions/governments have largely been shaped to honor only the masculine, completely forgetting that it actually takes a woman to give birth to all life. (It just takes a little research and reading to learn the truth that has been hidden from us!).
Goddess worship and Matrilineal/Matriarchal societies existed long before the Patriarchy took over. During those times our planet was in a balanced state, one without war or harm to our planet. There was harmony and a connection to the cycles of nature. Thankfully there has been a rise in consciousness and more people are learning from herstory instead of only history and how our world has been stripped of the feminine by force, control and fear.
Recently, I had a realization for those that are wanting to heal that there is so much information out on social media and the web now teaching about traumas, wounding, attachment styles, ego patterns, toxic traits etc. It is amazing to have resources that help you become self aware! However, if you are not incorporating daily mindfulness, somatic or embodiment practices that help connect you to your feminine energy you aren't healing. You maybe tricked into thinking that because you are aware or becoming conscious of your ego that is all it takes....but we know with much research that the body keeps the score and what is familiar in your body/mind will override you when you face a trigger in real time. Remember staying in the logical mind is masculine and being in the body is feminine, we are looking for balance.
It is also possible to have tipped too far into the feminine energy. It too causes much imbalance to not have any structure, discipline, the ability to provide/protect or stand up for what is truth...
Just like we can't always "do", we can't always "be" if we want to create our best life in this current incarnation.
True balance & healing comes when our Divine feminine & Divine masculine energies are in harmony with one another. Moments of peace, harmony and connection are possible for us all!
If you are someone on a selflove healing journey or wanting to begin it’s important to take into consideration how these energies are currently affecting your everyday life. Do you feel like you are being pulled in a million directions and have no time to rest or connect? Or do you just allow your emotions to determine what you do?
For me the key is to slow down, to breathe, to stop the cycle of stress and survival.
To learn beyond what has been the common narrative.
To eliminate the things from your life that are unnecessary or causing you harm.
To know that Divinity is inside of you, safety is inside you.
If you are wanting to know some ways to come into balance here are some
practices that can help you :
Sending you much love and healing